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Model 1070


Cleans specimens and holders immediately before insertion into an electron microscope; removes existing carbonaceous debris from the specimen and prevents contamination during imaging and analysis. Accepts two electron microscopy specimen holders and has multiple gas inlets with mixing capabilities.


Clean, well-prepared specimens are  imperative for imaging and microanalysis in electron microscopy. TEM requires that specimens be prepared without altering their microstructure or composition.

Contamination typically comes from several sources: inadvertent touching of specimens or specimen holders, electron microscope column contamination, and adhesives or solvents used in the preparation process.

The NanoClean removes contamination from a wide variety of materials prepared by a variety of techniques. The specimen holder is inserted through a port into the plasma chamber. Ports for a wide variety of microscope manufacturers are available and are easily changed in as little as 10 seconds.

The NanoClean cleans specimens and holders immediately before they are inserted into an electron microscope. A low-energy, inductively coupled, high frequency, downstream plasma effectively cleans the specimen surface without changing its elemental composition or structural characteristics. Highly contaminated specimens can be cleaned in two minutes or less.

The NanoClean readily accepts one or two side-entry specimen holders for most commercial TEMs and STEMs, and can accept bulk specimens for cleaning before conducting SEM or surface science analysis. The NanoClean includes the customer's choice of specimen holder port, pumping port assembly, and blank plug assembly.

Ports are available for electron microscopes manufactured by:

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific/FEI Company/Philips Electron Optics
  • Hitachi High Technologies America Inc.
  • JEOL Ltd.
  • Carl Zeiss Microscopy

Plasma cleaning of carbon films for transmission electron microscopy

Plasma cleaning of a specimen grid and side-entry holder eliminates mobile carbonaceous contaminants that may migrate to the vicinity of the electron beam. These contaminants obscure the area of interest during imaging and subsequent analysis.

Preparing hydrophilic, carbon-supported grids for cryo electron microscopy

Using plasma technology to make up to 10 grids hydrophilic without degrading the carbon support

Applications of plasma cleaning for electron microscopy of semiconducting materials

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Improving automation for cryo-EM specimen preparation

We present a more reliable and efficient process of preparing cryo-EM grids using a plasma cleaner, Vitrobot, and Quantifoil grids. In our procedure the grids are plasma cleaned and then the sample is frozen within the hour on the Vitrobot.

Morphological evolution of GP zones and nanometer-sized precipitates in the AA2050 aluminum alloy

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Multifunctional graphene supports for electron cryomicroscopy

We present a multifunctional specimen support for cryo EM, comprising large-crystal monolayer graphene suspended across the surface of an ultra-stable gold specimen support. Using a low-energy plasma surface modification system, we tune the surface of this support to the specimen by patterning a range of covalent...

Plasma cleaning and its applications for electron microscopy

The effectiveness of applying a high-frequency, low-energy, reactive gas plasma for the removal of hydrocarbon contamination from specimens and components for electron microscopy has been investigated with a variety of analytical techniques. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of specimens that have been...

Plasma cleaning of carbonaceous samples using a shield

Plasma cleaning is a useful technique to clean transmission electron microscopy sample surfaces from carbon hydroxide. However, selective material removal rates can be hard to establish. As a result, carbonaceous samples are significantly impacted by the plasma process since by the very nature of an oxygen plasma...

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